Selective Mutism

When I was in middle school, there was a girl who didn’t talk. Ever. Well, that’s not true, it wasn’t “ever”. But it was widely understood (among the faculty, staff, and entire student body) when, if she were in a group project or a presentation, she wouldn’t be the one speaking. I used to think she […]


Wow, another mainstream drug that may be able to help with anxiety/depression! About a month ago, posted about how MDMA (you know, ecstasy, also known popularly as “Molly”) is helping people with PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). If you don’t know what PTSD is, you can get the wikipedia definition here, but basically it’s when you have […]

Transcendental Meditation

Earlier this month, CNN Health posted a special guest post by Gayathri Ramprasad, the founder and president of ASHA International, a nonprofit organization promoting personal, organizational and community wellness and the author of “Shadows in the Sun: Healing from Depression and Finding the Light Within.” And fellow Anxiety-sufferer. She writes about how she copes with Depression and Anxiety in […]

LSD Therapy May Lower Anxiety

People don’t generally view hallucinogenic drugs as beneficial, let alone relaxing. However,  according to “A new study published in The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease finds that people who are facing imminent death from cancer can experience positive changes in their anxiety levels from talking to a therapist while under the influence. LSD research has […]

Kava Root

I mentioned in my last post a tea that included the use of Kava Root and a calming agent, and I thought I would use this time to explain. Personally, Kava has been the most helpful relaxant and is very helpful when I start to have a panic attack. In Polynesian islands, Kava is generally […]

No More Caffeine Jitters

I have become immune to drinking coffee. For someone like me who is awake all the time, this stinks. I wasn’t always this way, when I was in high school I could go through coffee like it was air. But as of late, whenever I even drink half a cup of coffee, I get extremely […]